Improvement of overall breathing and sleeping patterns


How the ArchStim Bioelectric Stimulator for Accelerating and Stabilizing Arch Expansion Works

Designed to be Used with Any Commercially Available Arch Expansion Device

The ArchStim Bioelectric Stimulator and Electrode System is a device that harnesses the principles of epigenetic and controlled protein expression orthodontics to gently expand the upper jaw in three dimensions while simultaneously balancing the bite. The patented bioelectric signals cause the mouth and jaw tissues to release proteins such as RANKL, SDF1, PDGF and VEGF that loosen things up for gentle expansion and OPG and BMP9 to stabilized positioning when re-alignment has been completed.

Why we have Crooked Teeth

A Mechanism-Based Approach to Sleep Apnea Therapy

ArchStim is the first technology that combines mechanical expansion forces from leading commercially available arch expansion devices with bioelectric stimulation designed to release specific proteins at the specific right time to improve breathing and fight sleep apnea and to keep improvements stabilized long term.

Numerous studies have un-covered which specific proteins expressions can serve to improve breathing and ArchStim is developing and patenting bioelectric signaling sequences addressing up to a dozen of these. Some target up-regulation and some down-regulation or inhibition of certain protein expressions as needed.

A New Approach to Prevent and Treat Sleep Apnea

ArchStim is developing a combination therapy for sleep apnea, a serious condition for which no pharmacy therapies are FDA approved. Snoring, daytime sleepiness, and other short term effects of sleep apnea are well known. More importantly, patients with untreated or unsuccessfully treated sleep apnea have increased risks of potentially life-threatening long-term effects that include hypertension, heart disease, stroke, and type II diabetes. The current standard of care for obstructive sleep apnea, CPAP, is not tolerated by many patients. CPAP is also ineffective or only partially effective in other patients, and nearly half of all sleep apnea patients discontinue CPAP use within several months of treatment initiation. Furthermore, CPAP does not treat central sleep apnea. New treatment strategies for sleep apnea are essential.

ArchStim scientists have designed and are developing a novel combination bioelectric stimulation therapy that may be used with any mechanical therapy device or surgical intervention to improve breathing, a keep improvements stabilized long term, focused on sound biologics science.

ArchStim Bioelectric Stimulator with PATENTED Protein Expression Signals and Their Purposes

Designed to be used with any commercially available arch re-shaping and expansion system.

  • ArchStim Bioelectric Stimulator with PATENTED Protein Expression Signals and Their Purposes
  • Designed to be used with any commercially available arch re-shaping
  • RANK-L for softening bone.
  • OPG and BMP for hardening bone and stabilization of position after re-alignment.

ArchStim Bioelectric Stimulator
Unique Design Features

With all of these shifts in positioning and the space created by the ArchStim Bioelectric Stimulator, patients may find relief from a number of conditions and symptoms that can be caused by overcrowded, misaligned mouth, jaw and dental structures.


Obstructive sleep apnea

Because the nasal passages may be more open and there may be more room for the tongue and soft tissues, patients may get relief from sleep apnea without an invasive CPAP appliance. Sleep apnea has a number of negative health consequences and can even be life threatening, so when patients start sleeping better and they are receiving enough oxygen at night, it can not only help them feel more well-rested, but also restore their overall health. Bed partners are also happy to no longer listen to snoring night after night!

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ)

TMJ disorder is very common and is generally caused by a strain on the temporomandibular joints from improper bite alignment, chronically clenching and grinding teeth, and other issues related to the positioning and size of the oral structures. When the ArchStim Bioelectric Stimulator used with properly designed arch expansion devices shifts the jaw into proper alignment and provides enough space in the mouth for optimal function, many patients find relief from their TMJ symptoms.

Jaw discomfort

The ArchStim Bioelectric Stimulator when used with properly designed devices is designed to cause a shift of the lower jaw forward to attempt to properly align the upper and lower jaw, thus intended to eliminate the uncomfortable feeling that the bite is off or the pain associated with a misaligned jaw. Issues such as chipped teeth due to grinding or misalignment may also be resolved.

Migraine headaches

The ArchStim Bioelectric Stimulator treatment may help with relief of migraine headaches as it may enable people to no longer clench their jaw, grind their teeth, or suffer from other misalignments that can cause chronic headaches.


The ArchStim Bioelectric Stimulator may help with relief of seasonal allergies since enlarged nasal passages and sinuses may be better able to drain properly and clear the allergenic particles.

Neck and back pain

The ArchStim Bioelectric Stimulator treatment may help with relief of neck and back pain.

Better concentration and brain cognitive function

Due to improvement in breathing people my notice improvements in concentration and brain cognitive performance.

Improvement of athletic performance

Due to improvements in breathing athletes may notice improvements in their performance

Better sexual performance

Due to improvement in breathing people my notice improvements in sexual performance and desire.

Chronic fatigue

The ArchStim Bioelectric Stimulator treatment may help with relief chronic fatigue.
ArchStim is implementing or planning to implement soon well controlled clinical studies to attempt to prove out all the above potential applications of use and benefits.

The ArchStim Bioelectric Stimulator also helps patients avoid extensive orthodontic work, such as years of metal braces or uncomfortable palate expanders, as well as dental procedures such as tooth extractions to free up space in the mouth.